
	Some Notes:
	I write my defines all in uppercase.
	All defines starting with "MSG_" are from the buildin.cd.


#include "includes/ExampleRequest.h"

void ExampleRequest( STRPTR args, struct Screen *screen, IPCData *ipc )
     ERData *erd;
	  // allocate some memory from our globally pool
     if( (erd = AllocMemH(mempool, sizeof(ERData))) )
			 if( *args )
					erd->ptr_read = args;
			      // going to the end of the args
			      while( *erd->ptr_read++ );
					// it does point at least at the "\0" of the string,
					// Jonathan does also append a some other stuff, we
					// want this not at this stage :-)
					erd->ptr_read -= 3;
					// Now we can make a reversed copy
					erd->ptr_write = erd->buffer;
					while( ((ULONG) erd->ptr_read) >= ((ULONG) args) )
					  	  *erd->ptr_write++ = *erd->ptr_read--; 
					// since we have used our memorypool with the flag
					// MEMF_CLEAR and we have not used it before, we must
					// not append a "\0" to erd->buffer
			sprintf( erd->output, "%s : %s%s : %s\n%s : %ld",
			         DOpusGetString( locale, MSG_ARGUMENTS ), args,
						DOpusGetString( locale, MSG_REVERSED ), erd->buffer, 
						DOpusGetString( locale, MSG_COUNTED ), erd->count );
			// now we are ready to open our requester
			// we do not check here the result, but should be at least
			// no problem for you...
			AsyncRequestTags( ipc, REQTYPE_SIMPLE, NULL, NULL, NULL,
									AR_Screen,  screen,
									AR_Title,   DOpusGetString(locale, MSG_ER_TITLE),
									AR_Message, erd->output,
									AR_Button,  DOpusGetString(locale, MSG_OKAY_BUTTON),
									TAG_DONE );
			// free our memory
			FreeMemH( erd );